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[Written] Eldestan Prehistory

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[Written] Eldestan Prehistory Empty [Written] Eldestan Prehistory

Post  Taki Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:04 pm

While Eldesta has become a part of the FH world, I'm posting this here (as opposed to in the Written Lore forum) because these details have never come out in-game. There's a great deal more of the story to tell, but I haven't gotten around to writing it down.

-Rumors of ancient civilization, great power.
c. 5000 BCE

-Estimated date of Barbarian scrawls
c. 2300 BCE

-First Recorded History
c. 1000 BCE

First Age: Many Kings.
c. 987 BCE - 652 BCE.

Second Age: Destined States.
c. 651 BCE - 422 BCE.

Third Age: Council of Equals.
c. 421 BCE - 2 BCE.

Fourth Age: Crimson Empire.
c. 1 BCE - 67 NE.

Fifth Age: Failed Legacy.
c. 68 NE - 371 NE.

Sixth Age: Eldesta
c. 372 NE – 1005 NE.

Seventh Age: Cataclysm.


5000 BCE?
Legends and myths from the age of Many Kings suggest that relics from an ancient civilization were discovered during the reign of Lavin Morad. (Lord of Somashep. c. 856 - 820 BCE) Surviving texts suggest that these relics possessed powers unknown to the scholars of that period. Many strange occurrences were noted while in the presence of these artifacts, and fatalities were common among those researching their potential. One of the objects reported to be in the possession of the ruling family of Comayono was a massive tome made entirely from glass. This tome, dubbed the “Crystal Codex”, supposedly contained an account of life in an ancient city. A sage using clues from the codex estimated the date of such a cities’ existence to be approximately 5000 BCE.

2300 BCE?
During the reign of Coriel, The Second Crimson Emperor, (c. 42 NE) a series of caves was discovered in the eastern reaches of what today is Naitrommel. These caves contained a series of “scrawls”, or carvings depicting strange people and creatures. Imperial scribes copied them in detail for the great library at Elenguard, and historians placed the date of such carvings at 2300 BCE.

1000 BCE.
The first surviving records of history date from this time, prior to the recognized beginning of the First Age. The date established for the beginning of the first age is 987 BCE, due to the founding of Somashep by Autuk Morad during that year; thus setting the stage for the era of Many Kings.

The First Age: Many Kings.

Emerging from prehistory, the people of the world found themselves divided by hostility and conflict. The years leading up to the First Age are wrought with warfare as minor warlords pitted themselves against each other in an attempt to take control. In the year 987 BCE. Autuk Morad proclaimed himself king of the northern realms. His kingdom, called Somashep (translates to “NorthWind”, or “Wind from the North”) was the last in a series of countries to take shape out of the chaos. These nations would provide the foundation, language, and bloodlines for many in the ages to come.

The race of man is the central player on the stage of history, but both Elves and Dwarves figure prominently during this time. Both had significant holdings in the known world during the first age, and in at least one case manipulated events of significant scope. The public role of the Dwarves at Kell Keep and the unknown ruler ship of Lamara by the Elves constitute the most significant contact mankind would have with the “old races” until the time of the Crimson Emperor.


Often called “The first state”, Comayono was the first country to stabilize out of the chaos of prehistory. United by the warlord Franciato Dewar in 990 BCE., he named his fledgling kingdom Comayono, or “Home of the Rivers”. While not a powerful warrior, Dewar was a spectacular strategist and negotiator. His daughter Perienne would inherit a powerful nation upon his death in 940 BCE. Perienne had notable intellect, but was wracked with illness throughout her life. She died heirless in 904 BCE., and in doing so both ended the Dewar line and plunged the First age into conflict.

In what would be the first of many wars with the fledgling state of Somashep, another noble family seized control of Comayono. By aiding Aldan Morad in deposing of his brother Cavish, Boregar Malinkosh gained an ally in the new king of Somashep, therein allowing him to claim Comayono as his own. His line would hold power until 738 BCE, when his grandson Calin was assassinated in his sleep. With no strong leader emerging to take up the crown, the Malinkosh family was removed from power by the warlord Serge Oraco. Both Serge and his son Lar would hold Comayono in an iron fist until the fateful year of 650 BCE.

Created by war and raised on conflict, the culture of Comayono reflected its violent nature. The people were a harsh, worldly lot who were regarded with mistrust by outsiders. Many of the basic infantry tactics recognized in the modern era were discovered and refined in Comayono during the first age. The works of Franciato Dewar in particular are prized for their insight into early warfare.


The Morad line, in holding Somashep from its inception until 650 BCE., set the standard for a ruling family. Honor, betrayal, and tragedy all graced the reign of the Morads, and their tales are told to this day. Autuk Morad built Someshep out of nothing using the sword, but his son Astor made it great using the pen. Astor Morad was a diplomat at heart, but still possessed the fire and passion that made his father legend. The combination of these traits allowed him to forge a strong but humane nation.

The third heir to the throne of Somashep was Lavin Morad, and his reign would not end with the grandeur of his predecessors. Lavin was chosen by his father to rule, though he was not Astor’s first-born son. Lavin’s older brother Cavish was a brutal man with a hateful disposition. Astor knew full well that Cavish was incapable of becoming a just ruler, and instead sent him to become a general in Somashep’s military. Upon his brother’s coronation, he vowed to someday take the crown by force. In 877 BCE. he succeeded in killing his brother Lavin and taking control of Somashep. His youngest brother Aldan, only 12 years old at the time, fled into Comayono where he would meet Boregar Malinkosh. Realizing their unique situation, Boregar and Aldan united to defeat Cavish and place Aldan on the throne. Aldan then recognized Boregar as rightful ruler of Comayono, and both kingdoms knew peace.

The Morad family had its share of poor rulers as well. In 691 BCE. and unfortunate fall killed Eshram Morad, leaving his mad son Malan to rule. Many of the policies and decrees issued during Malan’s three year reign were never put into effect, thanks in large part to the interference of his cousin Laria. A copy of the compiled edicts, entitled “The Musings of Malan the Mad” is considered comical reading. Laria would succeed Malan after his suicide in 688 BCE. and rule until 650 BCE.


The people of Lamara are remembered more for their lack of activity than anything. A rough alliance of forest tribes, the Lamaran government never involved itself in the relations between Comayono and Somashep. Many at the time believed this to be the will of the Lamaran people, but history would prove otherwise.

In truth, the aged chieftain of the leading tribe was Xerces N’hilade, an elf using magic to appear human. The elves shared a border with the Lamaran tribes, and took an early interest in their well being. As the nations to the north took form, the elves feared that the tribes they protected would be destroyed by the conflicts so common to humans. Xerces became “Natalo”, and quickly rose through the tribal hierarchy to become the Fa’atala (Great Chieftain). Few questioned the fact that the Fa’atala did not age over the centuries, as he was loved and revered by his people. Most thought it the will of the gods that he remained to guide them, and others believed his status granted him immortality.

Xerces/Natalo would guide the Lamaran people until his death in 650 BCE. at the hands of Bakail Corenn. Many of the Lamaran people would perish in the upheaval that ended the first age, but many others were taken in by the elves and brought out of the lands of man. The fate of those people is uncertain, but rumors persist of a group of elves with human characteristics.

Kell Keep

A dwarven outpost, Kell Keep was itself a massive stone fortress. The dwarves laid claim to the surrounding lands as a matter of defense, though in reality their influence never extended much beyond the walls of their keep. They engaged in active trade with both Comayono and Somashep, and even sent an ambassador to Somashep during the rule of Aldan Morad.

Little is known about the dwarves during this time, as they did not allow many people within their lands, much less within the keep. It is also unknown if this secrecy was born of mistrust or intense privacy. Kell Keep suddenly cut off all trade with both Comayono and Somashep in the year 667 BCE. Giving no explanation, they abandoned their lands and fortress in 651 BCE.


Essentially a collection of barbarians and outcasts, “Peldegar” was not so much a nation as the name given to the unclaimed, untamed area that lie north and west of civilization. These unforgiving lands bred a cruel, violent people who valued strength and power above all else. They were said to practice dark magics and cannibalism, though the histories also mention them turning into animals and being overcome by visions. The reliability of these claims is questionable at best.

Peldegar would be of even less historical note had it not been for the birth of Medara Serkaid in 691 BCE. Her role in the times to come would cement the place of Peldegar in the minds of man, and lend credence to the wildest tales of black arts and inhuman behavior.

The Second Age: The Destined States.

As the year 650 BCE took shape, it became clear that the world was experiencing an upheaval unlike any yet known by man. Four people emerged onto the world’s stage with unmatched power, and in a few months time undid four hundred years of progress. The second age was ruled in total by these four conquerors, which history records as the “Destined Few”.

Bakail Corenn "The Black King" B. 720 BCE / D. 422 BCE

Undoubtedly the most influential man of his era, Bakail Corenn was the catalyst for the entire second age. Born in Comayono, he lived his early years as the son of a wealthy nobleman. Legend states that he killed his first opponent in a duel at the age of 10, though some records suggest he may have been even younger. What is universally agreed upon is that Corenn was a viciously cunning young man. He used the servants within his home as spies, and later used the information provided by them to blackmail his father's retainers. At the age of 15 he arranged his father's death via poison and gained access to the family fortune. Shortly thereafter he left his estate and struck out into the world seeking adventure.

Not much is known of Corenn for the next twenty years, but he is listed as a suspect in many murders across the countryside. His title and position were all he needed to avoid punishment, and he continued his travels unhindered. Descriptions of him from this time paint him as something of a bandit king, traveling from village to village with a force of mercenaries doing as they pleased. Theft, rape, and butchery were reported in his wake; but none who accused him dared face his men.

Corenn's wandering debauchery came to an abrupt end in 676 BCE when he raided the village of Breaga in northern Somashep. He and his men were preparing to commit a particularly vile act involving one of the younger village girls when Corenn's world would be forever changed. The girl's aged grandmother was seen at the edge of the village square, shouting at the men and demanding that they stop their horrible atrocities. When they persisted, the old woman called upon the "spirits", and half of Corenn's force was reduced to ash. Screaming her fury, this old woman continued to lay waste to Corenn's loyal henchmen, burning them to cinders with blazing arcs of fire. Corenn himself barely escaped alive and was severely injured in the encounter. The experience alerted him to the reality of magic, and he would spend the rest of his life in the pursuit of power.

Corenn scoured the land seeking magics and dark power, and by 672 BCE his search had provided results. He had learned and mastered the art of channeling energies, but still sought greater powers. Rumors of great artifacts and unmatched power drove him ever onward, and another chance encounter in 670 BCE would unite two of the "Destined Few" for the first time.

Dalin Morass "The Iron Prince" B. 702 BCE / D. 422 BCE

Poverty, hardship, and the unforgiving streets of Somash Gul molded Dalin Morass into a hard young man. Physically gifted with both speed and strength, he spent his formative years refining himself into a powerful warrior in numerous criminal organizations. By the age of 20 Morass had become the most feared man in Somashep. Never content with mediocrity, Morass challenged the greatest swordsmen of the era and all who accepted lost their lives to his blade. In 679 BCE he accepted a post with the Royal Guard of Somashep, though the "post" was entirely fictional. In truth his salary was a bribe from officials tired of his "legitimate duels" costing them their best men. He used the free monies to educate himself, and to the great dismay of his superiors, became even more dangerous.

He would continue to accept an easy life until 671 BCE, when officials saw an opportunity to put his skills to use. Rumors persisted in the countryside of a dark man who was untouchable by any swordsman. Knowing what his reaction would be, the rumors were allowed to reach Morass along with the last known location of the "dark man". Morass did as expected and struck out after the man immediately. It took him better than a year to track the dark traveler, and when he finally did meet his quarry, they would make history with their duel.

It is said they met along a country road at night, with only the light of the moon to set them from the shadows. Neither man spoke a word, but both drew steel and waited unmoving in the darkness. A nighthawk's cry shattered the silence, and both men exploded into motion. Steel clashed with steel, and if not for Bakail Corenn's dark magics, Morass would have killed him in the darkness that night. As it happened, Corenn was only able to fight Morass to a standstill, even using his dark powers. As dawn approached, both men were exhausted, but neither was willing to submit. Seeing the futility of the combat, Corenn offered a truce and Morass accepted. Having never been matched, Morass asked to learn from Corenn in exchange for service. Seeing the raw skill that Morass possessed, Corenn readily agreed. The men found in each other what neither had known before: a kindred spirit worthy of respect. The momentous significance of this duel and the resulting friendship would leave its mark on history in more ways than one. Even today the call of a nighthawk in darkness is considered a portent of imminent violence or danger.

Morass and Corenn would continue their search for power, but their exploits would not go unnoticed. In 669 BCE Lar Oraco issued a decree calling for the capture and execution of both men. Despite all Corenn's power and Morass' skill, the sheer number of men that pursued them would have been successful had it not been for the intervention of a displaced nobleman.

Voldar Malinkosh "The Hollow Knight" B. 715 BCE / D. 422 BCE

The Malinkosh family was exiled from Comayono after the Oraco Rebellion of 738 BCE. Many fled to Somashep, but others chose to remain in secret, plotting against the Oraco family and hoping to one day regain the crown. Haris Malinkosh was one of those who stayed, and he worked to undermine the ruling regime. In 715 BCE he fathered a son, Voldar, and raised him to hate the Oracos with a passion. Voldar was weaned on tales of his family's lost glory and the injustices they had suffered. He blamed the entirety of his misery on the Oraco family, and by 675 BCE had a large underground of agents trying to bring down Comayono's rulers.

After Lar Oraco's decree in 669 BCE, Malinkosh became aware of Bakail Corenn and Dalin Morass. Realizing the threat they must pose to the Oracos for Lar to issue such a proclamation, Makinkosh ordered his people to find them. His agents would track them down at nearly the same time the men of Comayono had cornered them in a walled district of Dewarin. Surrounded, weakened and without hope of escape, Corenn and Morass had resigned themselves to a final fight. The arrival of Malinkosh's agents was just in time for the battered pair, and together they felled the Comayonans. At the request of their rescuers Corenn and Morass were taken to meet Malinkosh, who hoped to enlist their aid in dispatching the Oracos. The men met for many hours, and in the end Malinkosh joined the two on their journey.

The three made their way out of Comayono and into the wilds of Peldegar. Often fighting their way through beasts and barbarians, they arrived in the heart of the wilderlands and found the last of the "Destined Few".

Medara Serkaid "The Witch Queen" B. 691 BCE / D. 422 BCE

Medara Serkaid was born into a nomadic tribe on the plains of Peldegar. Unlike her dark haired, ruddy-skinned parents, Medara was pale and fair. Even her hair was the color of pure snow, and the people of her tribe considered her to be marked by evil. Fearing the dark spirits that had touched her, Medara's parents sold her into slavery at the age of six.

The hardships known by a six year old in slavery are tremendous, and Medara's were even more so. She was shunned even among the other slaves for her supposed connection to evil. Perhaps that isolation, combined with the continual accusations of sinister allegiances played a part, but before the age of nine Medara was indeed seeking dark power. No one can say if the portents of her birth were indeed accurate, or if she was driven to such ends by the fear and loathing of the people around her. As fate would have it, Medara possessed great proficiency in magic and an incredible gift for self-instruction. What started as simple tricks to avenge her mistreatment soon became lethal retribution for her abuse at the hands of her captors. Medara's spells soon reduced her masters to a state of weakness, and she escaped in the year 676 BCE.

Where she went is uncertain, but when she emerged one year later she confronted her former owners wielding the very power they had feared. She subdued them, tortured them, and ate them alive over a period of two years, all the while using her newfound abilities to sustain their life and suffering. She would eventually repeat this treatment on her parents and her own tribe when she found them in 672 BCE. The blood she shed and the pain she caused seemed to strengthen her powers, and she reveled in her grisly studies. By the time she was approached by three travelers in the year 667 BCE, she had depopulated central Peldegar.

The Four Unite - C. 667 BCE

On the plains of Peldegar Bakail Corenn, Dalin Morass, and Volendar Malinkosh met the woman they would later call an ally, but their first encounter could not be considered friendly by any means. Nearly stumbling into her while searching for a witch rumored in the area, the trio and Serkaid were mere seconds away from violence when Corenn demanded that his companions lower their weapons. He had recognized Serkaid as the one they sought, and more importantly sensed her great power. Without wasting words he explained their quest and offered the witch a place at their side. Much like the conversations with Morass and Malinkosh before, little is known of the details of Corenn’s proposal. What is knows is that the four traveled on together and were not seen for several years.

Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-02-08

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