Final Haven Players Book Project
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[Natural Science] Rose Quartz

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[Natural Science] Rose Quartz Empty [Natural Science] Rose Quartz

Post  Robin Hercher Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:03 am

Introduced: One-day 2010 Event
NPC creator: Robin

Rose quartz is a mineral steeped in legend, and is widely used by hedge wizards and witches in the creation of love potions and spells.

As found out during a trip to the close-by mining village of Haven, there is some truth to this legend. When magically charged, the unique crystal structure of raw rose quartz will transform into single terminated crystals and can hold a time limited love spell. The spell will be activated by the next person to touch the crystal.

However, once charged, the crystal structure of the rose quartz begins to degrade. Recharging is impossible, and can even lead to explosive results. After a period of time, the magically transformed stone will disintegrate.

Robin Hercher

Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-02-09

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