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Getting Started with Disciplines

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Getting Started with Disciplines Empty Getting Started with Disciplines

Post  Jared T Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:13 am

The mechanics of a discipline should not affect the way a player role-plays the discipline. But by their very nature a discipline can limit role-playing. How do they do this? By the only part that is variable: the name. A name helps differentiate between disciplines, but it also creates preconceived notions of what it may be. The inclusion of a few unique anecdotal stories to preface the mechanics will help new and old players expand their concept of what the discipline can encompass.

This forum is to collect thoughts and ideas on unique and interesting ways to interpret existing disciplines. This is not a place to voice opinions on the mechanics of the skills present within a discipline or to create new disciplines.

Please preface a topic title with the name of the discipline in brackets. If a particular skill is being referenced, include it in the topic title.

If any discussion is needed, please limit it to this particular topic. The rest of this section is for submissions only. If there are enough submissions to warrant individual forums for each discipline, they will be created at a later date and the appropriate topics will be moved to the new forum.

Jared T

Posts : 117
Join date : 2011-01-10

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