Final Haven Players Book Project
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[Suggestion]Why must we be level zero?

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[Suggestion]Why must we be level zero? Empty [Suggestion]Why must we be level zero?

Post  TCOLE Tue May 31, 2011 9:01 am

For many PCs level 0 is a tough pill to swallow. You get only a basic path and a discipline and that is it. It seems like the first event is some kind of hell week hazing that the new player is forced to participate in.

Well the main reason is the you need to learn the rules and over decades of running this game the GMs have discovered that no build sticks after the first game. The other reason is that character development in this game is very..short. The skills build up fast and the biggest jump is between 0 and 4. If you don't get that jump that's more than 60% of the development you will ever get.

Level 0 characters get perks in the way of starting gear and the ability to shrug off death while you are learning your character.

So next time you cry, remember every character on the field started that way. You need it and it's for you.


Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-01-26

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