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[Suggested] Time Stop

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[Suggested] Time Stop Empty [Suggested] Time Stop

Post  Kiel Reid Sat May 21, 2011 11:45 am

This is a spell that can have a devestating effect on the field of battle. It also requires a game stop and a description. Although you do not want you description to get too long this is a way to add some flavor to your spell.

- All the targets are turned into crystal statues.
- All targets are trapped in force fields
- All targets become ghostlike and cannot move
- All targets are incased in ice.
- All targets are covered in roots.
- All targets are surrounded by arcane circles.

These are ways that don't effect the mechanics of the spell but allow it to be customized to your paticular form of magic.

Kiel Reid

Posts : 47
Join date : 2011-02-01
Age : 38
Location : Naperville IL

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